Every Wednesday evening during the Fall and Spring semesters we have a meal beginning at 5:00 PM followed by some kind of organized fellowship. Any and everyone are welcomed to come to these meals! Bible study is every Wednesday night @ 7:00 PM.
Throughout each semester, there are scheduled times for Sunday masses. These typically coincide with retreats or finals week. See our semester schedule for mass at the Newman House. Once a month the Newman House either schedules a trip to go to adoration or we have adoration at the Newman House. See the semester schedule for adoration trips or times when adoration will be available at the Newman House.
Stop by the Newman House for a place to study, watch T.V., or just get away from campus for a while! We would love to see you here throughout the week!
The Chadron State College Newmanites attend Mass at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church located at 364 Cedar St.
Mass times are:
Saturday Mass @ 5:30 PM
Confession @ 4:00 PM Saturday
Sunday Mass @ 9:00 AM